Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obscure 45's

I've finally gotten around to converting all my old vinyl to mp3 (although, with over 1,000 vinyl albums, its gonna take awhile!). I've started with some of my 45's, to test out this new process.

So, what follows are a couple of conversions I've done, all with obscure or rare vinyl 45's and EP's.

The Hamicks: "Erase and Start From Scratch" EP (1993)
The Hamicks were an Austin band from the early '90s.
Kind of a demented cross between Devo and Syd Barrett.


Roman Candles: "Walkin' Home Drunk" EP (1989)
Roman Candles were a great power-pop band from Austin in the late '80s.
They only released two cassettes and one vinyl EP.


Heyoka: "Disco Sucks" 45 (1979)
Hailing from San Antonio, the hard-rock band Heyoka released "Disco Sucks" during the anti-disco backlash.


Steve Dahl: "Do You Think I'm Disco" (1979)
Another anti-disco backlash song - but this one actually charted!


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